LOse 20 Pounds in a month
Hey Today Umoey will show you How to lose 20 pounds in a month and how to lose 10 pounds in a week, so stop everything you’re doing, because if you are a woman and want to lose weight fast, by following these tips you’ll lose weight easier! If you need to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, it will be very difficult to achieve it, I don’t say it will be impossible, but for now, I’ll show you how to drop 20 pounds in a month. Having been 90 pounds overweight. For a while I didn’t exercise or pay any attention to what I ate, so I accumulated lots of weight! This used to be me! I was wondering how to lose 20 pounds in a month first? And how to lose 10 pounds in 1 week after having tried for almost a year to lose weight with almost any results, I finally found a system for women, created my own daily routine and in 4 and half months I lost 70 pounds, in 6 months I lost all those 90 pounds of fat. So, if you are embarrassed about your looks, the fact that you can almost never wear the clothes you want to, and you feel unattractive, I completely understand you! I used to have problems in my marriage, sometimes I was even ashamed to go out of the house because of the way I looked, especially if it was hot outside and I had to wear shorts or T-shirt. This is my transformation! Believe me, it’s really worth it. My life’s simply amazing right now, my husband is crazy about me, and everybody is admiring me, especially when we are at the beach . . . . After having lost all that weight, I studied everything I could put my hands on about women sheath and weight loss. I read so many books, went to seminars and already helped hundreds of women lose weight and become happy about their looks. Enough about me, Les talk about you now and how do you lose twenty lbs. in 30 days! Normally In order to lose 1 pound, you must have a caloric deficit of at least 3000 calories. Your body consumes about 1700 calories in its daily activities. If you exercise for about 1 hour, and combine Cardio with lifting weights you’ll burn about 500 calories. In total, you’ll burn about 2200 calories per day. If you consume less than 1200 calories through your diet, your daily deficit can be close to 1000 calories daily, but that’s still not enough, because you’ll only lose a pound every 3 days. And, in order to lose 20 pounds in a month, you’ll have to lose 2 pounds every 3 days. So, you must force your body to burn 1000 more calories each day! The good news is that you can do it in a healthy way, but you’ll have to work for it a little bit! So, I have 4 great tips for you and a great video, which will teach you how to boost your metabolism so drastically that you’ll burn those extra 1000 calories each day so that you'll lose 20 lbs in 30 days. . Tip. 1 is to do 30 minutes of cardio first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. This will be the equivalent of one hour and half of cardio done in the afternoon. Tip no 2 is to drink 3 liters of fresh lemon water each day and also, a glass of juice made from fresh carrots and beet root. This will detoxify your body and clean your liver and colon of toxins, and provide you healthy energy. Tip no 3, eat mostly salads made from fresh vegetables and grilled chicken breast. Do not put any dressing on, just olive oil. Tip no 4 is about your hormones, and they are the key to burning those 1000 calories extra, and losing 20 pounds in a month. So, I have a great video for you from a world class weight loss expert and it will teach you how to balance your female hormones so that you’ll increase your metabolism with over 52 %. If you follow these tips you’ll see amazing results! FAST! You will also learn how to lose 10 pounds fast! And this video will teach you the key of not only losing weight, but keeping it off long term, so that you’ll never be embarrassed about your body ever again. These Tips work only for women and You’ll also learn the foods and the workouts that burn the most fat and get you closer to burning those 1000 calories each day, for the next 30 days and burn 30 lbs. I will also send you for free, my mistakes, so you can avoid them and the routine I followed to lose so much weight even give my favorite 1200 Daily Calorie plan, so that you are never hungry, but burn a lot of fat. You will also send you a great eBook for free, called The No. 1 Metabolism Boosting Tip for Women and it will teach you everything about your hormones and how to keep them in balance and lose the fat! So, just click below the video and get for FREE right now: the video, my mistakes and my daily routine, and the eBook and learn exactly how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days and how to lose 10 pounds in a week for women!.