you're about to learn the underground fat burning secrets of
elitebodybuilderscelebrities and fitness gurus who use a littleknown extreme
diet system that literally forces your body to melt away one to twopounds of
stubborn body fatevery single day for the first seven daysand thenanother three
quarter one full pound of fat everydayin the two weeks that followedand yes,
these results are typicalMy name is Brian and i want to tell you a secretit's a
secret that's taken me over seven years to fully understandit's also a secret
that the diet and fitness industry doesn'tnot want you to know aboutand as much
as i hate to see itit's a secret that you are very own doctor won't even share
with youbelow deep down inside they know it to be truethe secret i'm talking
about has to do with weight lossbut not the same old eat less and exercise more
type of weight loss thatresults in losing weight of the snail's pacei'm talking
about making jar dropping rapid body transformationwhere after just twenty one
daysyou've lost up to twenty three pounds or more of q or body fattrend two to
four inches off your waistlinewent down two to three dress sizesdeveloped a
flatter stomachincreased your metabolismskyrocketed your energy levelslost
significant inches a fat from your hips bizet belly enbhatand have taken
complete control over your body weight for the rest of yourlifei'm talking
about the body's ability to effectively do all of this and morein just twenty
one daysnow i can understand if you are skepticalbut let me explaini've been
involved in the diet and fitness industry since nineteen ninetyninei'm a
certified personal trainera certified sports nutritionistan author speaker and
creator of the three week a dietuh. . .
science-based system that has literally helpthousands of people
worldwideto lose weight faster than they ever imagined was possibleand in the
next few minutes i'm going to share ton of three weight lossinformation with
youso let's get startedthe first thing you should know is that theextra weight
you were carrying around is probably not your faultthe fact isthere are
probably several reasons that you've struggled to lose weight in thepastand my
guess is that you fall into one or moreor of these categoriesyou are getting
bad information with regards to how we really gain and loseweightyourself ring
from cellular inflammationyou're counting calories or focusing on the eat less
exercise more mantra thatthe medical community has been brainwashing us with
for decadesyou don't have an easy to follow step by step plan of action laid
out for youyou're not seenreal results for the effort you are putting out and
your jumping from onediet to the nexthoping something will eventually worknow
let's break these reasons down to get to the specificsnumber oneyour getting
badinformationlet's face itthere's not a single industry out there that's
filled with more hype than emptypromisesthan that of the diet industryi mean
reallydoesn't it seem like there's a newnew faster and better diet product to
come alongalmost every single daythe diet industry spends millions andmillions
of dollars every year trying to convince us that they have the answer toour
weight loss problemsthe problem isthey don't actually what you know the real
secrets to weight lossbecause of word were to get outit would surely put a dent
in their multibillion dollar profitnow i've been in the fitness industry since
nineteen ninety ninein that timei've read just about every diet book weight
loss guideclinical trial and medical study in existence that has to do with
weightloss and i'm here to tell you that there is an absoluteton of bad
information floating around out therenumber twoyourself a ring from cellular
inflammationcellular inflammation is not alllee the culprit of weight gainit's
also responsible for increasing the onset of disease which results in ashorter
life spanmost diets that i know of ignore the fact that if we can't take
control ofcellular inflammationwe can effectively inincrease your ability to
lose weight burn fatincreased metabolismand keep body fat from ever coming
backin addition to this by taking control of cellular inflammation you can live
ahealthier and longer lifehere's the thing about informationabout two-thirds of
the body's defenses resides in your g_i_ tractnow when you're eating the wrong
foods including those bad foods that arepassed off as being healthy for
youthose foods even cially wreak havoc on those defenseswhen your differences
are broken downinflammation gamemeans the upper handonce inflammation takes
overyour body stores fat more easily and it also can't burn fat as fast as
itnormally shouldnow if you had trouble losing weight in the pastit's very
unlikely that you are suffering from chronic cellularinflammation that you were
not even aware ofone of the key components of my three week diet systemis that
it helps you take control of that informationand it produces a noticeable
effect on your body almostnumber threeyou're counting calories or focusing on
eighteen less and exercising moremainstream medicine one system believe that
the key to weight loss is simply amatter of the eating less and exercising
morethis is just plain bad science and deep down insideevery doctor knows
thisthis is just a simplistic answer to a very complex questionand it fails to
take into account your body's hormoneswhich have a major impact on whether you
are fator thinthe fact is your body does not read all calories the samein fact
there are certain calories that that make us fatother calories that prevent us
from burning fat and there's a few reallygood calories that actually force your
body to burn fatso the key to weight loss is notcounting countiesthis should be
evident by the obesity problem we have here in the u_s_losing weight has much
more to do with eliminating the bad calorieswell increasing the good
caloriesusing a strategic system that takes into accounthow your body processes
certain nutrientsmore on this in a bitnumber four you're not seeing results for
all the effort you're putting forthif you've ever done a week or two on any
diet and didn't see significant resultsyou were probably gooden ready to throw
inpatel so that you could find something else that worksno one can blame you for
thatmost diets fail because there simply aren't enough rewards to keep up
withall the sacrifices that need to be madeand this is a key component of the
three-week dietas my system is thelonely diet that i know of that focuses
solely on producing extremely rapidresultsfrom my experiencei found that for a
diet to be ultra successfulthere must be a significant amount of rewards to go
along with the effort youput forthwhen you wake up in the morning to find
yourself one to two pounds lighter thanyou were just twenty four hours agoit
tends to provide you with some serious motivation to keep on doing whatyou're
doingthis is one of the reasons that the three-week diet has been so
successfulfor so many peopleand believe me when you see yourself dropped just
one pound of body fat injust one dayyou can visualize that in just nine more
daysyou'll be carrying around ten pounds less of all belief at around your
bodynumber fiveyou don't have an easy to follow step by step plan of action for
losing weightthis is a big one that played many of my clients until they
finally came to mefor helpthere is so much contradictory and misguided
information out there it's nowonder why so many people struggle with their
weightif you ask ten different fitness experts what the best way to lose weight
isyou're bound to get ten completely different answerswho's rightwho was
wronghow do we knowyou see the true secrets of losing a lot of body fat really
fast are out thereit's just that most of the information is fragmented and
incompleteand it's because of this that i set out to put together a diet system
thatdoesn't leave you guessingif you are struggling to lose weightwhat you
reallyneed is to be taken by the hairand in shown in these accolade what to
doeach and everyday while you're on that dietand that's exactly what i've done
in the three-week diet systemnow before i go into the specifics of the
three-week di and why i am socertain that it can help you lose up to twenty
three poundsof pure stubborn body fatin just twenty one daysi want to first
address a commonquestion that i massed on a regular basisand that question is
thisisn't it dangerous to lose this much weight this fastto answer this
question let me first defer to doctor michael dancer themedical doctor in
weight loss consultant to n_b_c_'s hit t_v_ showthe biggest loserhere's what he
said about losing weight fastin theory one could drop as much as twenty pounds
in a weekthe truth is that nothing is wrong with losing weight rapidlyas long
as you do it the right wayin my own research i've found that the majority of
the safety data out thereregarding weight losshas to deal with themmethods used
for losing weight rather than how fast the weight is lostso i'm not